Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Guys, I've Gone Goo-Goo for Gaga!

Yeah, I said it. 
I simply love Lady Gaga. To put it into perspective how much I love Lady Gaga, consider this: I have been to only one musical concert in my lifetime (Two if you count Weird Al) and that concert was the 2010 Monster Ball at the Consol Energy Center. To put it bluntly, it may just have been the best night of my life.

Now before we all start with the accusations of homosexuality, I must reiterate a point. I LOVE Lady Gaga. Not the way I love a new Lil Wayne song or how I love the smell of daisies and butterflies in the morning, but in the sense that I want spend the rest of my days growing old with her. As in, I want her to give birth to my children and we can all be one happy Gaga family. Hell, you can even call me Papa Monster if you want to.

I'd make this my wallpaper but I'm not ready for the looks it would bring.

It amazes me what she has turned into because when I fell in love with her, she had not yet released her "Paparazzi" video or worn any of her wilder get ups. I know for many people, the strangeness turned them off of her, for me, it made it all the better. She went from pop star to a cult symbol and a pop star at the same time. Because, let’s face it, though she has her “little monsters,” that is, the misfits she targets as her main audience, she’s still a pop star. As in, popular, as in, the popular people like her. Many people love her in all her quirkiness even if they aren’t misfits, or don’t call themselves “Little Monsters.” It’s a love or hate thing really.

Maybe you think her lyrics are “dumb” or she is too explicit in her sexuality. I may be able to see where you’re coming from, if naked people offend you or you don’t feel her lyrics are up to par with . . . whomever it is that makes intelligent lyrics nowadays.  Those are legitimate claims I suppose. But don’t even try to say that she cannot sing. After seeing her live, I can attest, first hand, that she can indeed sing. She could sing circles around Ke$ha or Brittany. Remember that time at the VMA’s? When she was wearing slaughtered cattle around her body like it was a Louis Vuitton accessory? 

And she's not the most distubring thing in this picture

Well if you recall she also belted out a couple bars of her then unreleased single “Born This Way.” That should be proof enough that she has the pipes, she just doesn’t always use them. [Here’s looking to you “Poker Face,” (Even that’s unfair, though, because there is the piano version of that ditty.)]

And after a long anticipated and hyped up wait, “Born This Way,” hit the world earlier this month Now we’ve got something to really go goo-goo for, for better or worse. The song features none of the repetitive sounds many haters cited as an annoyance in other songs (pa-pa-pa pokerface, Aly-Alejandro) She hits highs and she hits lows . . . notes that is. It’s an inspirational song about being yourself, which only bothers people scared of homosexuals. Seeing as I am not one of those people, what’s not to love about the song!?! It’s great to dance to (I do it in my room all the time! Just kidding . . . or am I?)

The beat is intense and not like any of her previous songs. But, haters are still going to hate.

I’m used to people saying that the latest pop star is copying Madonna, all you need to do to get that accusation thrown on you is to dye your hair blonde and be a little quirky. But now I hear (read) that people are saying that Gaga stole Madonna’s beat. Now, I’ve never been one to listen to 80s music, in fact, I make a point to avoid it. At all costs. Listening to “Express Yourself” has exemplified why this is.

Had many people not pointed out that the two songs sound similar, I would have never EVER made the connection myself. But the youtubers know best, as Rabonxt009 said

“Good job Madonna. This is almost as good as your other song...Born This Way. I love how YouTube even puts the Lady Gaga advert right next to the video on my page!”

Or as Popculture20 SCREAMED;


Got that? If you can’t see the similarities, you best not major in music because you’re so stupid it’s sad that you can’t see the similarities . . . The name is Popculture so you know he or she knows what’s up.

Interestingly they placed the same ad that Rabononxt009 spoke of next to the video when I watched it. Then I refreshed the page and, voila, got a different ad! . . . “GL a dating site created for and built by relationship-minded gays and lesbians”

. . . Stop looking at me like that!

On another note I found this NWA song that's pretty good. It also had the Gaga Advert.

But I’m getting off topic as usual. To make a long story short. Had somebody just sat me down one day and asked what song “Express Yourself” sounds like I would have simply said, ‘Easy! It sounds like every other 80s song’ or if I had just got done running up some stairs and was short on breath I may have simply said ‘crap.’ Either way, you get the point. The similarities are minimal and no way could it be called a rip-off. Gaga’s song is filled with almost industrial sounding electronic breakdowns and intense rap-like verse mixed in with some darn good singing. What’s Madonna got? A goddamn cowbell in the intro, that’s what.

But I haven’t even touched on the music video yet which is where the real insanity begins. Seriously, have you watched it? It’s at the top of the page; you better watch it. I’ll wait . . .

So, head-trip right? I have to be honest, I’ve been trying to pick apart the symbolism in Telephone for many a month now and have gotten almost nowhere with it. Now we have the “manifesto of Mother Monster,” and, I cannot lie, I don’t have a clue what she’s talking about. Whatever it is, it’s taking place on a government owned alien territory . . . GOAT, maybe she really is part of the illuminati.

I have this idea that her and Kanye are in some kind of competition to see who can make the strangest video. She’s winning. Sure, I get the basic idea, ‘good’ is just and non-judgmental and ‘bad’ is condescending and oppressive but you can’t have good without evil, yeah I get that. I’m not taking a poetry class for nothing am I? Am I?


What it comes down to is, I don’t even care. The music video is amazing. It starts out with a unicorn for god’s sake before turning into some bizarre, homoerotic version of Eraserhead. At first I thought I had accidentally started watching the 80s movie Hercules.

S'up Ladies?

Sure the choreography is kind of similar to convulsing and once again we have Gaga holding her hand like a claw and staring at it, but it fits with the strange atmosphere of the video. Gaga is looking beautiful as always, even when she tries to do her self up as ugly, it only comes out as a strangely seductive Misfits fan and a pretty gal with something stuck her teeth. Yeah let me get that out for ya . . . with my tongue.
Don't type "Tongue" into Google Images.
It’s a spectacle to watch her videos. For the guys, you get to see a plethora of campy sci-fi effects and as close to naked girls as TV will allow and for the girls, well, same thing with guys. It’s like she took all the effects used in bad art/sci-fi films made over the years and put it together into something awesome. If you want to complain that her videos are stupid, I suggest that you go back to watching Britney Spears roll around like a idiotic stripper in a cheap club. Or rap videos so you can look at cars and dudes with their pants falling off, huh, or, hell, go watch Madonna since she’s apparently so damn creative. As for me, I’ll stick with my Lady Gaga.

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