Friday, November 12, 2010

New Directions (No, not Glee...)

I apologize for my absence for however long I was absent. Shit was it one week or two? Anyhoo, I'm back now. But I have some big news for you, my virtual friends. This here blog is announcing a change in how my whole shindig is going to work. I realize to some, this may be disappointing, but on the whole I think it's a good change.
I'll get to them someday though

You see, it's been a couple of days now and, aside from being really frickin busy with work and school, I just couldn't bring myself to post anything new. I couldn't figure out why, I just couldn't do it. The last few days have consisted of me going to school, doing my homework and working my job at McDonald's. All free time was spent either A: Napping or B: Playing Happy Wheels and killing my character in the bloodiest way possible to relieve stress. (What is Happy Wheels you ask?, marvel at its awesomeness.)

So about the change. I recently read a friend of mine's blog ( and it was really heartfelt. I realized that what I was missing in this blog was a personal connection. I mean, no shit it was my opinion on matters, but I was writing from the view of journalist reporting on an issue. Which is all good and fine and all but I mean, it's kind of boring. I don't want to read like some cheap gossip magazine. That's not really an insight, and sure as hell isn't anything all that bizarre. So prepare for a revamped, more super exciting blog. It'll be starting tomorrow and I'm sticking to it. So, prepare your anus.

I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold
I'll be fine once I get it, I'll be good. 
Kid Cudi, Pursuit of Happiness

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